The Happy Chemicals In Your Brain And How To Release Them To Feel Better

happy chemicals in your brain

We all like to feel happy, right?

Every one of us has our own unique happiness levels, and the same “happy chemicals” that boost the moods of others can help you feel happier, more energized, and less stressed.

Your brain is filled with chemicals, but how do you make sure you get the happy chemicals you need to feel better? You have to be aware of the chemical imbalance in your brain. Then, you have to take steps to release those happy chemicals back into your brain so that you can feel happier.

Let’s take a look at four happy chemicals in your brain and what you can do to increase them…

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3 Types Of Anxiety And What To Do About Them

types of anxiety

So many people suffer from anxiety. Most of the time it is fairly mild, but sometimes it can get quite unpleasant.

As a result of this, I became curious about anxiety. I wanted to know about the types of anxiety, how it gets triggered, and what I can do about anxiety. It became a pet project of mine. I started reading and learning about anxiety. (You may even have read my article about unwinding anxiety, which is based on a book I read.)

I have learned a fair amount about anxiety so far. While I am not a therapist, and you should keep that in mind, I have learned enough about anxiety to make a lot more sense of it.

Now I understand what it is, the different types of anxiety, how it gets triggered, and some simple steps I can take to reduce or eliminate it.

I want to share this with you in the hopes that it will help you in some way.

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How To Build A Healthy Brain (In 6 Easy Steps)

how to build a healthy brain

What does it mean to have a healthy brain? It means that you can accomplish what is necessary for your life and work. You can be focused, confident, and in control of your thoughts and emotions. A healthy brain will help you achieve more in less time. Let’s take a look at how to build a healthy brain.

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Practice Mindfulness To Crush Your Demons

practice mindfulness

Have you heard about “mindfulness” before but not sure what it means or how to practice mindfulness? While it is easy to understand, practicing mindfulness isn’t always as easy, especially initially. It is, however, an incredibly beneficial practice.

In this post, I’ll cover mindfulness and help you understand how to get started with a practice that will serve you for the rest of your life.

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Unwinding Anxiety To Heal Your Mind

unwinding anxiety

Anxiety is a mental disorder that can cause immense discomfort and disrupt everyday life. It’s the most common mental illness, with about 40 million Americans affected each year. To most sufferers, unwinding anxiety feels like an impossible quest. The good news is that you can do it.

Let’s take a look at how you can go about unwinding anxiety to heal your mind…

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